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Parent Rep Resources

Parent Representative – Role, Duties and Expectations

Parent Reps are an extremely important part of our organization. In order for teams to work together effectively, communication is very important. Communication is the primary function of the Parent Reps.

Each team will have at least one (but not more than two) Parent Reps.

Relatives of a coach are not permitted to be the Parent Rep of a team their daughter is participating in.


  • Act as a spokesperson for the team and the parents of its players.
  • Assist coach in communicating with the team.
  • Utilize TeamLinkt.
  • Ensure all team members and parents have appropriate access to tools and information.
  • Distribution of practice and play schedules, maps and directions for games.
  • Gather and distribute details and information for out-of-town reservations, if required.
  • Assist in distribution of team apparel, pictures, uniforms, etc.
  • Assist coach with miscellaneous duties if requested.
  • Check email at least once daily.
  • Keep open communication with Parent Rep Coordinator.
  • Update and maintain team information on the website (i.e., weekly practice schedule, play dates, upcoming tournament information, team pictures, etc.).
  • Collect volunteer checks and distribute information for Kill-the-Chill volunteer sign-up as needed.


  • Parent Reps must have regular and reliable email and computer access and be moderately savvy with technology.
  • You are encouraged (not required) to attend monthly Lakes Volleyball Board meetings.
  • Assist with monitoring code of conduct adherence for Coaches, Parents and Players. Any concerns should be promptly reported to an executive member of the Lakes Volleyball Board or the Parent Rep Coordinator.
  • Sharing of any important or significant team information and achievements with Lakes Volleyball Board.

NOTE: We always suggest using the "Help" function of TeamLinkt to search for answers to common issues/questions.