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ETS Performance

Lakes Volleyball | ETS Performance

Lakes Families!

We are excited to announce a partnership with ETS Performance. ETS trains athletes of all sports and ability levels from ages 8 through the professional level. Since 2010, ETS has trained over 25,000 youth athletes, over 1,000 collegiate athletes and well over 150 professional athletes. Combining forces with ETS will allow all Lakes athletes to become the best possible players on and off the court.

Mission Statement of ETS

Our mission is to provide unmatched speed, power, deceleration, energy system development, movement and performance mastery training for serious athletes who are fully committed to maximizing their genetic, physical, and psychological potential.

ETS will offer services & systems of training that are applicable, customizable, and easily implemented for any athlete regardless of age, sport(s) or ability level. Individualized training programs are something they take pride in. As we all know, each athlete matures/grows at a different rate than their peers. Every athlete will have access to game changing performance and nutrition systems that will continue to evolve as their performance progresses to ensure continued development and improved results.

ETS Athlete Evaluation

  1. The ETS Athlete Evaluation will consist of teaching our signature dynamic warm-up, testing each athlete's acceleration, ability to efficiently change directions, lower body explosiveness, relative body-weight strength, and a complete core activation and mobility screen.  (Athletes should be sure to mention they are a Lakes Volleyball Athlete during the evaluation.)
  2. We will also evaluate running mechanics, identify mobility limitations that correlate to movement, bio-mechanical deficiencies, and energy system development.
  3. At the end of each evaluation, we will review the athlete's results with their parent(s) and explain exactly how our programs work.

All ETS athletes receive a sport-specific and individualized plan geared towards maximizing their athletic potential. We guarantee to provide each athlete with the absolute best training experience possible in an atmosphere that can't be matched. After signing up, each athlete will receive a FREE ETS T-Shirt as an official welcome into the ETS family!

What's Included:

  • Recommended training volume of 2x per week during any of ETS sessions they offer.
  • Speed and strength programs that are designed for volleyball athletes and can be tailored for any athlete, at any age, with any ability.
  • Access to a FREE athlete evaluation (Described above) as a starting point with training at ETS.  We will then compare the results from before your athlete started training with us then after our team training with ETS is over.
  • ETS will also provide individualized partnership pricing for those who would like to continue training after the season.

Importance of Consistency

  • Increasing technical and movement mastery throughout a long duration will help athletic performance and general physical performance at all age levels. This is key to injury prevention.
  • Improving performance at least 1% every day is still a better option than stopping training once athletes are in season with practices/games.
  • “If you don't use it, you lose it.” couldn't be more true. Studies show athletes start to lose their progression after just 8 days.

A college strength coach once talked about opportunities lost for youth and high school athletes that are not training during the season/year-round compared to an athlete that is training at least 2-3 days per week over the same period (20 weeks = 40-60 workouts). Consistent workouts are a game changer.  For high school athletes i.e., 9th-12th grade that is 240 in-season workouts that they can either take advantage of or let the competition do that.


Individual Athlete Membership Pricing for All Lakes Program Athletes

  • Unlimited access to Strength Plus and Elite Speed training
  • Flexibility of scheduling Monday-Saturday throughout the membership period.
  • Special In-Season Training Rate
  • Please contact ETS directly for more details.


Contact Northeast Metro Director of Operations:

Nathan Glaubitz:


For more information and to stay up to date with announcements, news, promotions and messages from some of our pro athletes, be sure to follow ETS!


Instagram: @etsnortheastmetro