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Jr Ranger FAQs

Where is practice held?

Forest Lake Middle School (FLAMS)

Will there be tryouts?

No.  All that register for this season will be included in the program.

Who is eligible to play Jr Rangers?

All incoming 7th and 8th grade students from the Forest Lake community are eligible to play.

Do I need a physical to play?

No, since Jr Rangers is not a school-affiliated program, you do not need a physical.

How long is the season?

Mid-August to mid-October.  Specific dates vary by season.

What is the cost for the season?

$150 per player

How often do they practice?

Practices will be Monday & Wednesday for In-house players and Tuesday & Thursday for Travel players; both groups from 2:30 to 4:15.  Parents need to pick up their child by 4:30pm from FLAMS.

Can my player be on a travel and in-house team?

No.  Each player can only be rostered on one team.

What about games and tournaments?

We hope to play some league games during the week but this is dependent on other school participation.

What clothing and equipment does my child need to play?

Knee pads, black spandex shorts, appropriate practice apparel, well labeled water bottle and personal hand sanitizer.

What if I learn, for some reason, that my child is not able to commit to the season?

If necessary, we will refund the fee (minus processing charges) within the first two weeks of the season only.

Where will the game schedule be posted?

Schedule will be posted to and via the TeamLinkt app for each team.