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Player Code of Conduct

Lakes Volleyball Player - Code of Conduct

Lakes Volleyball
Player Code of Conduct
Effective 8/2023

I am expected to contribute to my team in a positive manner throughout the season by adhering to the following:

Demonstrating Respect

  • I recognize that I am representing Lakes Volleyball and will act accordingly at practices and games.
  • I will have fun, give my best effort, and be respectful of teammates, players, coaches or officials.  I will “be a good sport”.
  • I will treat my coaches, teammates, opponents, officials and fans with respect regardless of regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
  • I will refrain from posting anything on social media that could be damaging or embarrassing to our team, myself, or Lakes Volleyball.

Demonstrating Safe Behaviors

  • I will not attempt to ever injure another player in any way, physically or emotionally.
  • I will not engage in cyberbullying acts to any other coach, parent, player, board member, official or any other sports attendee.  Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing by way of any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or Web site postings (including blogs).

Behavior at Practices & Games

  • I will arrive on time for practices and games.  I will remain on site during competitions and will not leave until excused by the coach.
  • If I will be absent from practice or a tournament, I will inform my coaches as soon as I am able.  (Players are excused for those family-related and school-related activities that may conflict with the team’s practices or tournaments.)
  • I understand that any unexcused/unexplained absence may result in a loss of playing time, and more than two unexcused/unexplained absences may result in removal from the team.
  • I understand playing time will be earned and will be awarded fairly based on effort, attitude, and skill. Questions about playtime or concerns may be asked 24 hours after a tournament by the player first, then a family member can schedule a meeting if needed.
  • I understand that I am not allowed to use tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs in any form and must abide by the Minnesota State High School League guidelines.

Understanding Consequences

  • I realize that failure to comply with above regulations may result in loss of game time or suspension from athletic participation.
  • I understand that posting negative content on social media may result in suspension or removal from the team.


Coaches will review and players will sign at the first practice of the season. This is your commitment to follow throughout the entire Lakes season!